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Our indexers and conveyors are used in many different industrial sectors: from automotive to food, from manufacturing to robotics. Many of our applications can be used also in the medical and pharmaceutical world.

Regarding the latter sector, the packaging of products requires not only PLC that combine extreme precision, high speed, gentle movements and versatility, but that can also ensure very high levels of hygiene.

The environments used for these sectors, in fact, are called white rooms (or “clean laboratories”) and must comply with very strict rules, which provide, first of all, a very limited presence of microparticles of powder in suspension.

The cleaning of the white rooms is certified according to different ISO classes, from 1 to 9, and we are proud to communicate that some of our customers uses our PLC in ISO 8 environment: this excellent result was achieved thanks to a very careful selection of special materials, which we then used in the production of PLC instead of ferrous carbon materials, more contaminants, which would not have allowed the achievement of ISO 8 class.

For all other details related to our PLC you can visit the dedicated page on our site, by clicking here.