AUTOMATICA Munich exhibition: products
Italplant will be present at Automatica Exhibition with its performance products.
Conveyors, rotary tables and patents that represent quality and continuous innovation.
Products at Automatica Exhibition 2018:
- Precision Link Conveyor High Accuracy (PLC-HA)
- Precision Link Conveyor (PLC)
- Precision Link Conveyor Squared (PLC-S) (Patent N° 102018000003368)
- Precision Belt Conveyor (PBC) (Patent N° 0001430042)
- Rotary Table with SOTL – Safety Output Torque Limiter (Patent N° TO2012A0000085)
- Rotary Table with IRC – Indexer Remote Control (Patent N° 102017000107408)
Feel free to ask for a free entrance ticket sending a request to
from 19/06/2018
to 22/06/2018
Hall no. A6 – Booth no. 134
For any further information please don’t hesitate to call us at 0039
or send an email: